Latest Release: Break
Genre: Pop/Rock/Indie
Their latest press release states In Grenada was "born from the ashes of Philadelphia's premier ukulele indie-rock band, Movable Type." I'm assuming here that most everyone who reads this doesn't follow the ukulele rock band scene all that closely, so In Grenada's debut album will likely be your introduction to the songwriting of multi-instrumentalist Jesse Leyh, who makes a great impression with his new band on their first effort, Break. The record channels the tightly wound energy of Arcade Fire and then filters it through warm pop melodies, nimble guitar lines and buoyant synth riffs that combine for an irresistible summer vibe. Intelligently composed and enormously catchy, Break is pop-rock music at its best and will hopefully put In Grenada firmly on the map.
Key Tracks: "Distance and Temptation," "It Doesn't Matter," "Beating Heart"
Download: Distance and Temptation (MP3)
[Right click to download]
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