Latest Release: Deadmalls & Nightfalls
Genre: Folk/Americana/Indie
I've been loving Deadmalls & Nightfalls, the latest album from indie folksters Frontier Ruckus, for a few months now, so I think it's high time I spread the word. The band's intense and intelligent take on folk music is unlike anything else I've heard, an entrancing recipe of lush instrumentation (acoustic guitars, accordions, horns, drums, banjos, etc.) and singer Matthew Milia's delightfully strange and detailed narratives. Packing verses thick with vivid imagery and clever phrasing, the group's songs often take a few spins to comprehend, but exploring the frenzied highs and brooding lows of the record is an enlightening experience. A must-hear for 2010.
Key Tracks: "Nerves of the Nightmind," "Pontiac, the Nightbrink," "I Do Need Saving"
Download: Nerves of the Nightmind (via Radio Free Chicago)
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