Latest Release: Travels in Lowland
Genre: Indie/Folk/Pop
It's rare for me to stumble upon Danish artists in my constant search for great indie music, but it seems every time I do it's a fantastic experience. The latest Denmark native to catch my ear is singer/songwriter Bjarke Bendtsen, recording and performing as The Migrant, which is a somehow fitting moniker for the eclectic mix of styles and influences he incorporates into his unique folk sound. Favoring an acoustic guitar but throwing in everything from accordion to flute to violin, Bendtsen subtly shifts between genres--psychedelia and retro pop, to name a couple--while maintaining his signature aesthetic. He's created a truly absorbing record with his debut, Travels in Lowland, and you can hear/download a couple of the best tunes right here!
Key Tracks: "The Organ Grinder," "Nothing But Clues," "Lullabye (Play It On the Radio)"
Download: The Organ Grinder (MP3) In the Sun (MP3)
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