If your only exposure to this record is the first single "Sick of You," you might be disappointed with how strikingly similar it is to some of the band's other popular songs. But while it's true that Cake often sticks to their established style on Showroom of Compassion, they have much more to offer than a bland rehash of their past material. "Long Time," for instance, uses the group's key ingredients--John McRae's half-sung vocals, lively bass and guitar lines, and trumpet solos--to create a funky rock tune that feels refreshingly relevant, while the admittedly familiar-sounding "Mustache Man" has a sharp combination of menace and melody that make it one of Cake's best songs to date. The eerie, synth-infused rocker "Easy to Crash" and the melancholy ballad "The Winter" are a bit more adventurous, providing some welcome variety and helping to further distance Showroom of Compassion from past albums in the group's catalog. If nothing else, fans should enjoy hearing these alt-rock veterans successfully explore some new avenues without straying uncomfortably far into unfamiliar territory.
Showroom of Compassion has more than enough solid tunes to make it easy to overlook missteps like the aforementioned "Sick of You" and the psychedelia-tinged opener "Federal Funding," though there are certainly some songs that work more convincingly than others. For example, "Got to Move" is decent, but pales in comparison to the record's best tracks and "Teenage Pregnancy" is only a mildly entertaining instrumental piece. As a whole, however, Showroom of Compassion is a fun and surprisingly strong record, a welcome return for a band that will hopefully be more active over the next seven years.
Cake Rocks! Sweet Album!
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